Institutional Markets
The Advanced Group specifically works with commercial or institutional organizations. These organizations have both individual and commercial clients that have interest in obtaining or comparing life insurance based policies.
Property / Casualty Agencies
The typical P/C agency will offer basic term or whole life insurance products to their clients. Many P/C agencies will have a large number of business or commercial clients that will require more advanced life insurance solutions. The Advanced Group supports these affiliates with multiple carrier and advanced insurance solutions.​
Regional Banks
The typical regional bank will offer life insurance products and may have a relationship with an independent Broker Dealer for investment related products. The services of the Advanced Group can enhance the banks position with life insurance product availability. The Advanced Group supports these affiliates with multiple carrier and advanced insurance solutions.​
Credit Unions
The typical credit union will offer life insurance products and may have a relationship with an independent Broker Dealer for investment related products. The services of the Advanced Group can enhance the credit union's position with life insurance product availability. The Advanced Group supports these affiliates with multiple carrier and advanced insurance solutions.​
Broker Dealer Firms
The broker dealer firms have a heavy concentration with investment services, only. The Advanced Group will provide access to various advanced planning departments of our various insurance companies. The Advanced Group supports these affiliates with multiple carrier and advanced insurance solutions.​